Federal Registers
- 1904.1 - 01/25/2019 - 84:380-406 - Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses - PDF
- 1904.1 - 12/19/2016 - 81:91792-91810 - Clarification of Employer's Continuing Obligation To Make and Maintain an Accurate Record of Each Recordable Injury and Illness - PDF
- 1904.1 - 12/07/2016 - 81:88147-88167 - Prevention of Workplace Violence in Healthcare and SocialAssistance - PDF
- 1904.1 - 05/12/2016 - 81:29623-29694 - Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses; Final Rule - PDF
- 1904.1 - 09/18/2014 - 79:56129-56188 - Occupational Injury and Illness Recording and Reporting Requirements--NAICS Update and Reporting Revisions - PDF
- 1904.1 - 11/07/2013 - 78:67253-67283 - Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses; Proposed Rule - PDF
- 1904.1 - 11/28/1995 - 60:60275-60285 - Unified Agenda
- 1904.1(a)(1) - 07/21/2023 - 88:47254-47349 - Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses; Final Rule - PDF